Jadwal pertandingan Liga Inggris BPL musim 2013-2014 update terbaru- Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan share buat Anda pecinta sepakbola tentunya harus tahu untuk jadwal pertandingan sepakbola khususnya yg akan dibahas kali ini Jadwal Liga Inggris EPL Musim 2013-2014. . Langsung saja, Liga Inggris baru saja nerilis jadwal pertandingan untuk satu musim kedepan, yaitu musim 2013-2014.

17 Agustus 2013
Arsenal vs Aston Villa
Chelsea vs Hull City
Crystal Palace vs Tottenham Hotspur
Liverpool vs Stoke City
Manchester City vs Newcastle United
Norwich City vs Everton
Sunderland vs Fulham
Swansea City vs Manchester United
West Bromwich Albion vs Southampton
West Ham United vs Cardiff City
24 Agustus 2013
Aston Villa vs Liverpool
Cardiff City vs Manchester City
Everton vs West Bromwich Albion
Fulham vs Arsenal
Hull City vs Norwich City
Manchester United vs Chelsea
Newcastle United vs West Ham United
Southampton vs Sunderland
Stoke City vs Crystal Palace
Tottenham Hotspur vs Swansea City
31 Agustus 2013
Arsenal vs Tottenham Hotspur
Cardiff City vs Everton
Chelsea vs Aston Villa
Crystal Palace vs Sunderland
Liverpool vs Manchester United
Manchester City vs Hull City
Newcastle United vs Fulham
Norwich City vs Southampton
West Bromwich Albion vs Swansea City
West Ham United vs Stoke City
14 September 2013
Aston Villa vs Newcastle United
Everton vs Chelsea
Fulham vs West Bromwich Albion
Hull City vs Cardiff City
Manchester United vs Crystal Palace
Southampton vs West Ham United
Stoke City vs Manchester City
Sunderland vs Arsenal
Swansea City vs Liverpool
Tottenham Hotspur vs Norwich City
21 September 2013
Arsenal vs Stoke City
Cardiff City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Chelsea vs Fulham
Crystal Palace vs Swansea City
Liverpool vs Southampton
Manchester City vs Manchester United
Newcastle United vs Hull City
Norwich City vs Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion vs Sunderland
West Ham United vs Everton
28 September 2013
Aston Villa vs Manchester City
Everton vs Newcastle United
Fulham vs Cardiff City
Hull City vs West Ham United
Manchester United vs West Bromwich Albion
Southampton vs Crystal Palace
Stoke City vs Norwich City
Sunderland vs Liverpool
Swansea City vs Arsenal
Tottenham Hotspur vs Chelsea
5 Oktober 2013
Cardiff City vs Newcastle United
Fulham vs Stoke City
Hull City vs Aston Villa
Liverpool vs Crystal Palace
Manchester City vs Everton
Norwich City vs Chelsea
Southampton vs Swansea City
Sunderland vs Manchester United
Tottenham Hotspur vs West Ham United
West Bromwich Albion vs Arsenal
19 Oktober 2013
Arsenal vs Norwich City
Aston Villa vs Tottenham Hotspur
Chelsea vs Cardiff City
Crystal Palace vs Fulham
Everton vs Hull City
Manchester United vs Southampton
Newcastle United vs Liverpool
Stoke City vs West Bromwich Albion
Swansea City vs Sunderland
West Ham United vs Manchester City
26 Oktober 2013
Aston Villa vs Everton
Chelsea vs Manchester City
Crystal Palace vs Arsenal
Liverpool vs West Bromwich Albion
Manchester United vs Stoke City
Norwich City vs Cardiff City
Southampton vs Fulham
Sunderland vs Newcastle United
Swansea City vs West Ham United
Tottenham Hotspur vs Hull City
2 November 2013
Arsenal vs Liverpool
Cardiff City vs Swansea City
Everton vs Tottenham Hotspur
Fulham vs Manchester United
Hull City vs Sunderland
Manchester City vs Norwich City
Newcastle United vs Chelsea
Stoke City vs Southampton
West Bromwich Albion vs Crystal Palace
West Ham United vs Aston Villa
9 November 2013
Aston Villa vs Cardiff City
Chelsea vs West Bromwich Albion
Crystal Palace vs Everton
Liverpool vs Fulham
Manchester United vs Arsenal
Norwich City vs West Ham United
Southampton vs Hull City
Sunderland vs Manchester City
Swansea City vs Stoke City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Newcastle United
23 November 2013
Arsenal vs Southampton
Cardiff City vs Manchester United
Everton vs Liverpool
Fulham vs Swansea City
Hull City vs Crystal Palace
Manchester City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Newcastle United vs Norwich City
Stoke City vs Sunderland
West Bromwich Albion vs Aston Villa
West Ham United vs Chelsea
30 November 2013
Aston Villa vs Sunderland
Cardiff City vs Arsenal
Chelsea vs Southampton
Everton vs Stoke City
Hull City vs Liverpool
Manchester City vs Swansea City
Newcastle United vs West Bromwich Albion
Norwich City vs Crystal Palace
Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester United
West Ham United vs Fulham
3 Desember 2013
Arsenal vs Hull City,
Crystal Palace vs West Ham United
Liverpool vs Norwich City
Manchester United vs Everton
Southampton vs Aston Villa
Stoke City vs Cardiff City
Sunderland vs Chelsea
Swansea City vs Newcastle United
West Bromwich Albion vs Manchester City
4 Desember 2013
Fulham vs Tottenham Hotspur
7 Desember 2013
Arsenal vs Everton
Crystal Palace vs Cardiff City
Fulham vs Aston Villa
Liverpool vs West Ham United
Manchester United vs Newcastle United
Southampton vs Manchester City
Stoke City vs Chelsea
Sunderland vs Tottenham Hotspur
Swansea City vs Hull City
West Bromwich Albion vs Norwich City
14 Desember 2013
Aston Villa vs Manchester United
Cardiff City vs West Bromwich Albion
Chelsea vs Crystal Palace
Everton vs Fulham
Hull City vs Stoke City
Manchester City vs Arsenal
Newcastle United vs Southampton
Norwich City vs Swansea City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Liverpool
West Ham United vs Sunderland
21 Desember 2013
Arsenal vs Chelsea
Crystal Palace vs Newcastle United
Fulham vs Manchester City
Liverpool vs Cardiff City
Manchester United vs West Ham United
Southampton vs Tottenham Hotspur
Stoke City vs Aston Villa
Sunderland vs Norwich City
Swansea City vs Everton
West Bromwich Albion vs Hull City
26 Desember 2013
Aston Villa vs Crystal Palace
Cardiff City vs Southampton
Chelsea vs Swansea City
Everton vs Sunderland
Hull City vs Manchester United
Manchester City vs Liverpool
Newcastle United vs Stoke City
Norwich City vs Fulham
Tottenham Hotspur vs West Bromwich Albion
West Ham United vs Arsenal
28 Desember 2013
Aston Villa vs Swansea City
Cardiff City vs Sunderland
Chelsea vs Liverpool
Everton vs Southampton
Hull City vs Fulham
Manchester City vs Crystal Palace
Newcastle United vs Arsenal
Norwich City vs Manchester United
Tottenham Hotspur vs Stoke City
West Ham United vs West Bromwich Albion
1 Januari 2014
Arsenal vs Cardiff City
Crystal Palace vs Norwich City
Fulham vs West Ham United
Liverpool vs Hull City
Manchester United vs Tottenham Hotspur
Southampton vs Chelsea
Stoke City vs Everton
Sunderland vs Aston Villa
Swansea City vs Manchester City
West Bromwich Albion vs Newcastle United
11 Januari 2014
Aston Villa vs Arsenal
Cardiff City vs West Ham United
Everton vs Norwich City
Fulham vs Sunderland
Hull City vs Chelsea
Manchester United vs Swansea City
Newcastle United vs Manchester City
Southampton vs West Bromwich Albion
Stoke City vs Liverpool
Tottenham Hotspur vs Crystal Palace
18 Januari 2014
Arsenal vs Fulham
Chelsea vs Manchester United
Crystal Palace vs Stoke City
Liverpool vs Aston Villa
Manchester City vs Cardiff City
Norwich City vs Hull City
Sunderland vs Southampton
Swansea City vs Tottenham Hotspur
West Bromwich Albion vs Everton
West Ham United vs Newcastle United
28 Januari 2014
Aston Villa vs West Bromwich Albion
Crystal Palace vs Hull City
Liverpool vs Everton
Manchester United vs Cardiff City
Norwich City vs Newcastle United
Southampton vs Arsenal
Sunderland vs Stoke City
Swansea City vs Fulham
29 Januari 2014
Chelsea vs West Ham United
Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester City
1 Februari 2014
Arsenal vs Crystal Palace
Cardiff City vs Norwich City
Everton vs Aston Villa
Fulham vs Southampton
Hull City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Manchester City vs Chelsea
Newcastle United vs Sunderland
Stoke City vs Manchester United
West Bromwich Albion vs Liverpool
West Ham United vs Swansea City
8 Februari 2014
Aston Villa vs West Ham United
Chelsea vs Newcastle United
Crystal Palace vs West Bromwich Albion
Liverpool vs Arsenal
Manchester United vs Fulham
Norwich City vs Manchester City
Southampton vs Stoke City
Sunderland vs Hull City
Swansea City vs Cardiff City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Everton
11 Februari 2014
Arsenal vs Manchester United
Cardiff City vs Aston Villa
Hull City vs Southampton
Stoke City vs Swansea City
West Bromwich Albion vs Chelsea
West Ham United vs Norwich City
12 Februari 2014
Everton vs Crystal Palace
Fulham vs Liverpool
Manchester City vs Sunderland
Newcastle United vs Tottenham Hotspur
22 Februari 2014
Arsenal vs Sunderland
Cardiff City vs Hull City
Chelsea vs Everton
Crystal Palace vs Manchester United
Liverpool vs Swansea City
Manchester City vs Stoke City
Newcastle United vs Aston Villa
Norwich City vs Tottenham Hotspur
West Bromwich Albion vs Fulham
West Ham United vs Southampton
1 Maret 2014
Aston Villa vs Norwich City
Everton vs West Ham United
Fulham vs Chelsea
Hull City vs Newcastle United
Manchester United vs Manchester City
Southampton vs Liverpool
Stoke City vs Arsenal
Sunderland vs West Bromwich Albion
Swansea City vs Crystal Palace
Tottenham Hotspur vs Cardiff City
8 Maret 2014
Arsenal vs Swansea City
Cardiff City vs Fulham
Chelsea vs Tottenham Hotspur
Crystal Palace vs Southampton
Liverpool vs Sunderland
Manchester City vs Aston Villa
Newcastle United vs Everton
Norwich City vs Stoke City
West Bromwich Albion vs Manchester United
West Ham United vs Hull City
15 Maret 2014
Aston Villa vs Chelsea
Everton vs Cardiff City
Fulham vs Newcastle United
Hull City vs Manchester City
Manchester United vs Liverpool
Southampton vs Norwich City
Stoke City vs West Ham United
Sunderland vs Crystal Palace
Swansea City vs West Bromwich Albion
Tottenham Hotspur vs Arsenal
22 Maret 2014
Aston Villa vs Stoke City
Cardiff City vs Liverpool
Chelsea vs Arsenal
Everton vs Swansea City
Hull City vs West Bromwich Albion
Manchester City vs Fulham
Newcastle United vs Crystal Palace
Norwich City vs Sunderland
Tottenham Hotspur vs Southampton
West Ham United vs Manchester United
29 Maret 2014
Arsenal vs Manchester City
Crystal Palace vs Chelsea
Fulham vs Everton
Liverpool vs Tottenham Hotspur
Manchester United vs Aston Villa
Southampton vs Newcastle United
Stoke City vs Hull City
Sunderland vs West Ham United
Swansea City vs Norwich City
West Bromwich Albion vs Cardiff City
5 April 2014
Aston Villa vs Fulham
Cardiff City vs Crystal Palace
Chelsea vs Stoke City
Everton vs Arsenal
Hull City vs Swansea City
Manchester City vs Southampton
Newcastle United vs Manchester United
Norwich City vs West Bromwich Albion
Tottenham Hotspur vs Sunderland
West Ham United vs Liverpool
12 April 2014
Arsenal vs West Ham United
Crystal Palace vs Aston Villa
Fulham vs Norwich City
Liverpool vs Manchester City
Manchester United vs Hull City
Southampton vs Cardiff City
Stoke City vs Newcastle United
Sunderland vs Everton
Swansea City vs Chelsea
West Bromwich Albion vs Tottenham Hotspur
19 April 2014
Aston Villa vs Southampton
Cardiff City vs Stoke City
Chelsea vs Sunderland
Everton vs Manchester United
Hull City vs Arsenal
Manchester City vs West Bromwich Albion
Newcastle United vs Swansea City
Norwich City vs Liverpool
Tottenham Hotspur vs Fulham
West Ham United vs Crystal Palace
26 April 2014
Arsenal vs Newcastle United
Crystal Palace vs Manchester City
Fulham vs Hull City
Liverpool vs Chelsea
Manchester United vs Norwich City
Southampton vs Everton
Stoke City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Sunderland vs Cardiff City
Swansea City vs Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion vs West Ham United
3 Mei 2014
Arsenal vs West Bromwich Albion
Aston Villa vs Hull City
Chelsea vs Norwich City
Crystal Palace vs Liverpool
Everton vs Manchester City
Manchester United vs Sunderland
Newcastle United vs Cardiff City
Stoke City vs Fulham
Swansea City vs Southampton
West Ham United vs Tottenham Hotspur
11 Mei 2014
Cardiff City vs Chelsea
Fulham vs Crystal Palace
Hull City vs Everton
Liverpool vs Newcastle United
Manchester City vs West Ham United
Norwich City vs Arsenal
Southampton vs Manchester United
Sunderland vs Swansea City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion vs Stoke City
"jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu.
Arsenal vs Aston Villa
Chelsea vs Hull City
Crystal Palace vs Tottenham Hotspur
Liverpool vs Stoke City
Manchester City vs Newcastle United
Norwich City vs Everton
Sunderland vs Fulham
Swansea City vs Manchester United
West Bromwich Albion vs Southampton
West Ham United vs Cardiff City
24 Agustus 2013
Aston Villa vs Liverpool
Cardiff City vs Manchester City
Everton vs West Bromwich Albion
Fulham vs Arsenal
Hull City vs Norwich City
Manchester United vs Chelsea
Newcastle United vs West Ham United
Southampton vs Sunderland
Stoke City vs Crystal Palace
Tottenham Hotspur vs Swansea City
31 Agustus 2013
Arsenal vs Tottenham Hotspur
Cardiff City vs Everton
Chelsea vs Aston Villa
Crystal Palace vs Sunderland
Liverpool vs Manchester United
Manchester City vs Hull City
Newcastle United vs Fulham
Norwich City vs Southampton
West Bromwich Albion vs Swansea City
West Ham United vs Stoke City
14 September 2013
Aston Villa vs Newcastle United
Everton vs Chelsea
Fulham vs West Bromwich Albion
Hull City vs Cardiff City
Manchester United vs Crystal Palace
Southampton vs West Ham United
Stoke City vs Manchester City
Sunderland vs Arsenal
Swansea City vs Liverpool
Tottenham Hotspur vs Norwich City
21 September 2013
Arsenal vs Stoke City
Cardiff City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Chelsea vs Fulham
Crystal Palace vs Swansea City
Liverpool vs Southampton
Manchester City vs Manchester United
Newcastle United vs Hull City
Norwich City vs Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion vs Sunderland
West Ham United vs Everton
28 September 2013
Aston Villa vs Manchester City
Everton vs Newcastle United
Fulham vs Cardiff City
Hull City vs West Ham United
Manchester United vs West Bromwich Albion
Southampton vs Crystal Palace
Stoke City vs Norwich City
Sunderland vs Liverpool
Swansea City vs Arsenal
Tottenham Hotspur vs Chelsea
5 Oktober 2013
Cardiff City vs Newcastle United
Fulham vs Stoke City
Hull City vs Aston Villa
Liverpool vs Crystal Palace
Manchester City vs Everton
Norwich City vs Chelsea
Southampton vs Swansea City
Sunderland vs Manchester United
Tottenham Hotspur vs West Ham United
West Bromwich Albion vs Arsenal
19 Oktober 2013
Arsenal vs Norwich City
Aston Villa vs Tottenham Hotspur
Chelsea vs Cardiff City
Crystal Palace vs Fulham
Everton vs Hull City
Manchester United vs Southampton
Newcastle United vs Liverpool
Stoke City vs West Bromwich Albion
Swansea City vs Sunderland
West Ham United vs Manchester City
26 Oktober 2013
Aston Villa vs Everton
Chelsea vs Manchester City
Crystal Palace vs Arsenal
Liverpool vs West Bromwich Albion
Manchester United vs Stoke City
Norwich City vs Cardiff City
Southampton vs Fulham
Sunderland vs Newcastle United
Swansea City vs West Ham United
Tottenham Hotspur vs Hull City
2 November 2013
Arsenal vs Liverpool
Cardiff City vs Swansea City
Everton vs Tottenham Hotspur
Fulham vs Manchester United
Hull City vs Sunderland
Manchester City vs Norwich City
Newcastle United vs Chelsea
Stoke City vs Southampton
West Bromwich Albion vs Crystal Palace
West Ham United vs Aston Villa
9 November 2013
Aston Villa vs Cardiff City
Chelsea vs West Bromwich Albion
Crystal Palace vs Everton
Liverpool vs Fulham
Manchester United vs Arsenal
Norwich City vs West Ham United
Southampton vs Hull City
Sunderland vs Manchester City
Swansea City vs Stoke City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Newcastle United
23 November 2013
Arsenal vs Southampton
Cardiff City vs Manchester United
Everton vs Liverpool
Fulham vs Swansea City
Hull City vs Crystal Palace
Manchester City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Newcastle United vs Norwich City
Stoke City vs Sunderland
West Bromwich Albion vs Aston Villa
West Ham United vs Chelsea
30 November 2013
Aston Villa vs Sunderland
Cardiff City vs Arsenal
Chelsea vs Southampton
Everton vs Stoke City
Hull City vs Liverpool
Manchester City vs Swansea City
Newcastle United vs West Bromwich Albion
Norwich City vs Crystal Palace
Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester United
West Ham United vs Fulham
3 Desember 2013
Arsenal vs Hull City,
Crystal Palace vs West Ham United
Liverpool vs Norwich City
Manchester United vs Everton
Southampton vs Aston Villa
Stoke City vs Cardiff City
Sunderland vs Chelsea
Swansea City vs Newcastle United
West Bromwich Albion vs Manchester City
4 Desember 2013
Fulham vs Tottenham Hotspur
7 Desember 2013
Arsenal vs Everton
Crystal Palace vs Cardiff City
Fulham vs Aston Villa
Liverpool vs West Ham United
Manchester United vs Newcastle United
Southampton vs Manchester City
Stoke City vs Chelsea
Sunderland vs Tottenham Hotspur
Swansea City vs Hull City
West Bromwich Albion vs Norwich City
14 Desember 2013
Aston Villa vs Manchester United
Cardiff City vs West Bromwich Albion
Chelsea vs Crystal Palace
Everton vs Fulham
Hull City vs Stoke City
Manchester City vs Arsenal
Newcastle United vs Southampton
Norwich City vs Swansea City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Liverpool
West Ham United vs Sunderland
21 Desember 2013
Arsenal vs Chelsea
Crystal Palace vs Newcastle United
Fulham vs Manchester City
Liverpool vs Cardiff City
Manchester United vs West Ham United
Southampton vs Tottenham Hotspur
Stoke City vs Aston Villa
Sunderland vs Norwich City
Swansea City vs Everton
West Bromwich Albion vs Hull City
26 Desember 2013
Aston Villa vs Crystal Palace
Cardiff City vs Southampton
Chelsea vs Swansea City
Everton vs Sunderland
Hull City vs Manchester United
Manchester City vs Liverpool
Newcastle United vs Stoke City
Norwich City vs Fulham
Tottenham Hotspur vs West Bromwich Albion
West Ham United vs Arsenal
28 Desember 2013
Aston Villa vs Swansea City
Cardiff City vs Sunderland
Chelsea vs Liverpool
Everton vs Southampton
Hull City vs Fulham
Manchester City vs Crystal Palace
Newcastle United vs Arsenal
Norwich City vs Manchester United
Tottenham Hotspur vs Stoke City
West Ham United vs West Bromwich Albion
1 Januari 2014
Arsenal vs Cardiff City
Crystal Palace vs Norwich City
Fulham vs West Ham United
Liverpool vs Hull City
Manchester United vs Tottenham Hotspur
Southampton vs Chelsea
Stoke City vs Everton
Sunderland vs Aston Villa
Swansea City vs Manchester City
West Bromwich Albion vs Newcastle United
11 Januari 2014
Aston Villa vs Arsenal
Cardiff City vs West Ham United
Everton vs Norwich City
Fulham vs Sunderland
Hull City vs Chelsea
Manchester United vs Swansea City
Newcastle United vs Manchester City
Southampton vs West Bromwich Albion
Stoke City vs Liverpool
Tottenham Hotspur vs Crystal Palace
18 Januari 2014
Arsenal vs Fulham
Chelsea vs Manchester United
Crystal Palace vs Stoke City
Liverpool vs Aston Villa
Manchester City vs Cardiff City
Norwich City vs Hull City
Sunderland vs Southampton
Swansea City vs Tottenham Hotspur
West Bromwich Albion vs Everton
West Ham United vs Newcastle United
28 Januari 2014
Aston Villa vs West Bromwich Albion
Crystal Palace vs Hull City
Liverpool vs Everton
Manchester United vs Cardiff City
Norwich City vs Newcastle United
Southampton vs Arsenal
Sunderland vs Stoke City
Swansea City vs Fulham
29 Januari 2014
Chelsea vs West Ham United
Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester City
1 Februari 2014
Arsenal vs Crystal Palace
Cardiff City vs Norwich City
Everton vs Aston Villa
Fulham vs Southampton
Hull City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Manchester City vs Chelsea
Newcastle United vs Sunderland
Stoke City vs Manchester United
West Bromwich Albion vs Liverpool
West Ham United vs Swansea City
8 Februari 2014
Aston Villa vs West Ham United
Chelsea vs Newcastle United
Crystal Palace vs West Bromwich Albion
Liverpool vs Arsenal
Manchester United vs Fulham
Norwich City vs Manchester City
Southampton vs Stoke City
Sunderland vs Hull City
Swansea City vs Cardiff City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Everton
11 Februari 2014
Arsenal vs Manchester United
Cardiff City vs Aston Villa
Hull City vs Southampton
Stoke City vs Swansea City
West Bromwich Albion vs Chelsea
West Ham United vs Norwich City
12 Februari 2014
Everton vs Crystal Palace
Fulham vs Liverpool
Manchester City vs Sunderland
Newcastle United vs Tottenham Hotspur
22 Februari 2014
Arsenal vs Sunderland
Cardiff City vs Hull City
Chelsea vs Everton
Crystal Palace vs Manchester United
Liverpool vs Swansea City
Manchester City vs Stoke City
Newcastle United vs Aston Villa
Norwich City vs Tottenham Hotspur
West Bromwich Albion vs Fulham
West Ham United vs Southampton
1 Maret 2014
Aston Villa vs Norwich City
Everton vs West Ham United
Fulham vs Chelsea
Hull City vs Newcastle United
Manchester United vs Manchester City
Southampton vs Liverpool
Stoke City vs Arsenal
Sunderland vs West Bromwich Albion
Swansea City vs Crystal Palace
Tottenham Hotspur vs Cardiff City
8 Maret 2014
Arsenal vs Swansea City
Cardiff City vs Fulham
Chelsea vs Tottenham Hotspur
Crystal Palace vs Southampton
Liverpool vs Sunderland
Manchester City vs Aston Villa
Newcastle United vs Everton
Norwich City vs Stoke City
West Bromwich Albion vs Manchester United
West Ham United vs Hull City
15 Maret 2014
Aston Villa vs Chelsea
Everton vs Cardiff City
Fulham vs Newcastle United
Hull City vs Manchester City
Manchester United vs Liverpool
Southampton vs Norwich City
Stoke City vs West Ham United
Sunderland vs Crystal Palace
Swansea City vs West Bromwich Albion
Tottenham Hotspur vs Arsenal
22 Maret 2014
Aston Villa vs Stoke City
Cardiff City vs Liverpool
Chelsea vs Arsenal
Everton vs Swansea City
Hull City vs West Bromwich Albion
Manchester City vs Fulham
Newcastle United vs Crystal Palace
Norwich City vs Sunderland
Tottenham Hotspur vs Southampton
West Ham United vs Manchester United
29 Maret 2014
Arsenal vs Manchester City
Crystal Palace vs Chelsea
Fulham vs Everton
Liverpool vs Tottenham Hotspur
Manchester United vs Aston Villa
Southampton vs Newcastle United
Stoke City vs Hull City
Sunderland vs West Ham United
Swansea City vs Norwich City
West Bromwich Albion vs Cardiff City
5 April 2014
Aston Villa vs Fulham
Cardiff City vs Crystal Palace
Chelsea vs Stoke City
Everton vs Arsenal
Hull City vs Swansea City
Manchester City vs Southampton
Newcastle United vs Manchester United
Norwich City vs West Bromwich Albion
Tottenham Hotspur vs Sunderland
West Ham United vs Liverpool
12 April 2014
Arsenal vs West Ham United
Crystal Palace vs Aston Villa
Fulham vs Norwich City
Liverpool vs Manchester City
Manchester United vs Hull City
Southampton vs Cardiff City
Stoke City vs Newcastle United
Sunderland vs Everton
Swansea City vs Chelsea
West Bromwich Albion vs Tottenham Hotspur
19 April 2014
Aston Villa vs Southampton
Cardiff City vs Stoke City
Chelsea vs Sunderland
Everton vs Manchester United
Hull City vs Arsenal
Manchester City vs West Bromwich Albion
Newcastle United vs Swansea City
Norwich City vs Liverpool
Tottenham Hotspur vs Fulham
West Ham United vs Crystal Palace
26 April 2014
Arsenal vs Newcastle United
Crystal Palace vs Manchester City
Fulham vs Hull City
Liverpool vs Chelsea
Manchester United vs Norwich City
Southampton vs Everton
Stoke City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Sunderland vs Cardiff City
Swansea City vs Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion vs West Ham United
3 Mei 2014
Arsenal vs West Bromwich Albion
Aston Villa vs Hull City
Chelsea vs Norwich City
Crystal Palace vs Liverpool
Everton vs Manchester City
Manchester United vs Sunderland
Newcastle United vs Cardiff City
Stoke City vs Fulham
Swansea City vs Southampton
West Ham United vs Tottenham Hotspur
11 Mei 2014
Cardiff City vs Chelsea
Fulham vs Crystal Palace
Hull City vs Everton
Liverpool vs Newcastle United
Manchester City vs West Ham United
Norwich City vs Arsenal
Southampton vs Manchester United
Sunderland vs Swansea City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion vs Stoke City
"jadwal dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu.
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